Grand Opening Circus Circus Casino
In the very new and competitive Tunica, Mississippi gaming market, Circus Circus Casino faced the challenge of being the second property to open in a shared a parking lot.
To hold a unique and successful grand opening celebration that would stand out from the competition and attract local and regional media coverage.
Ericson was hired as the marketing consultants to assist in the development and implementation of the preopening and post-opening marketing objectives including staffing, training and advertising agency selection.
Ericson orchestrated a grand opening extravaganza involving clowns, jugglers and magicians. Instead of an ordinary ribbon cutting ceremony, casino upper management and local dignitaries blew their very own, personalized and engraved gold Ringmaster whistles to commemorate the event.
The Circus Circus Grand Opening was the most successful in Tunica County history with complete media coverage and over 8,000 patrons passing through the doors within the first hour.